Senin, 01 Februari 2016


Semakin tinggi kemampuan adaptasi suatu jenis organisme, maka semakin besar
pula kemungkinan kelangsungan hidup jenis organisme itu. Dengan kemampuan
adaptasi yang tinggi, suatu jenis dapat menempati habitat yang beraneka. Manusia
adalah contoh jenis makhluk yang mempunyai kemampuan adaptasi yang tinggi.
Hampir semua habitat dihuni oleh manusia. Mulai dari pantai sampai pegunungan
Andes yang tinggi, dari hutan tropis yang panas dan lembab sampai gurun pasir yang
kering dan panas, serta daerah kutub yang dingin. Dengan kemampuan adaptasi yang
sangat tinggi, populasi manusia terus bertambah dan menduduki habitat baru, hal ini
karena kemampuan otaknya yang paling tinggi dibanding organisme lainnya. Dengan
berbekal sains, manusia mampu menciptakan berbagai peralatan untuk mengatasi
kesulitan yang dihadapinya.
Adaptasi yang dilakukan oleh organisme secara garis besarnya ada tiga cara yaitu:
adaptasi morfologi, adaptasi fisiologi, dan adaptasi tingkah laku.
1. Adaptasi Morfologi
Adaptasi morfologi adalah perubahan bentuk tubuh atau struktur alat-alat tubuh
tertentu suatu organisme terhadap lingkungannya. Adaptasi morfologi merupakan
bentuk adaptasi yang paling mudah terlihat. Adaptasi morfologi terjadi pada hewan
dan tumbuhan.
a. Adaptasi Morfologi Pada Hewan
Contoh :
1) Bentuk paruh
Paruh burung berbeda-beda sesuai dengan jenis makanannya. Burung pemakan
ikan, pemakan biji, pemakan daging, dan pencari makanan di lumpur memiliki
bentuk paruh yang berbeda.
sumber: Ensiklopedi Burung
Gambar 4.1 Berbagai bentuk paruh burung
54 IPA SMP Kelas IX
2) Bentuk kaki (cakar)
Kaki (cakar) burung sesuai dengan tempat hidup dan cara hidupnya. Pada itik
kakinya dilengkapi selaput berfungsi untuk mendayung saat itik berenang di air.
Pada burung elang mempunyai kaki dan cakar yang kuat dan tajam untuk mencengkeram
sumber: Ensiklopedi Burung
Gambar 4.2 Adaptasi bentuk kaki burung berdasarkan fungsinya
3) Tipe mulut
Serangga berkembang pesat dengan jenis makanannya. Pada belalang mempunyai
tipe mulut menggigit dan mengunyah karena makanannya daun. Nyamuk
mempunyai tipe menusuk dan menghisap, kupu-kupu mempunyai tipe mulut
mengisap, karena sering mengisap madu pada tumbuhan.
Gambar 4.3
(a) Tipe mulut untuk menggigit dan mengunyah pada belalang
(b) Tipe mulut untuk menusuk dan mengisap pada nyamuk
(c) Tipe mulut untuk mengisap pada kupu-kupu
4) Bentuk tubuh pada hewan air
Ikan mempunyai bentuk tubuh yang
ramping seperti terpedo (streamline) dan
permukaan tubuh yang berlendir. Hal ini merupakan
adaptasi hewan yang hidup di air.
Dengan bentuk tubuh yang demikian, ikan
akan mudah bergerak dengan cepat di dalam
air. Pada mamalia air misalnya paus dan
lumba-lumba, memiliki bentuk tubuh seperti
ikan, selain itu anggota badan mamalia
tersebut berubah menjadi alat-alat tubuh
seperti sirip sehingga memudahkan pergerakannya
di dalam air.
IPA SMP Kelas IX 55
Gambar 4.4 Bentuk adaptasi hewan laut
(a) Bentuk tubuh yang meramping seperti
torpedo memudahkan ikan bergerak
dengan cepat.
(b) Cumi-cumi menguncupkan tentakelnya
untuk berenang melejit
b. Adaptasi Morfologi Pada Tumbuhan
Contoh :
1) Tumbuhan xerofit
• Tumbuhan xerofit merupakan tumbuhan
yang hidup di tempat yang kurang air (kering)
misalnya, tanaman kaktus. Tumbuhan ini
memiliki jaringan penyimpan air di dalam
batangnya yang tebal dan berselaput zat
semacam lilin. Daunnya sempit dan jumlahnya
sedikit bahkan berubah bentuk menjadi duri,
juga terda-pat lapisan kutikula yang tebal serta
memiliki sedikit stomata yang letaknya tersembunyi.
Bentuk daun yang demikian akan
mengurangi penguapan (pengeluaran) air.
Sistem perakaran lebat dan panjang sehingga
tersebar sangat luas di dalam tanah. Hal ini
berguna untuk mendapatkan air yang cukup.
Bentuk tubuh (batang, daun, dan akar) pada tanaman kaktus sesuai dengan tempat
2) Tumbuhan Hidrofit
Tumbuhan hidrofit adalah tumbuhan yang hidup di air, misalnya enceng gondok
(Euchornia crasipes), paku air (Azolla pinata) dan teratai. Tumbuhan ini memiliki
tangkai daun yang menggembung membentuk rongga-rongga udara yang berisi
udara sehingga dapat mengapung. Tumbuhan yang hidup di air umumnya mempunyai
lapisan kutikula yang tipis dan mudah ditembus air. Melalui permukaan
tubuh yang tipis inilah tumbuhan dapat mengambil air dan zat-zat hara melalui
seluruh permukaan tubuhnya. Tumbuhan yang sebagian tubuhnya berada di
dalam air dan sebagian di atas air memiliki sistem perakaran serabut sebagai alat
melekat dan sistem jaringan pengangkut pada tumbuhan air tidak berkembang
dengan baik. Stomata terletak di permukaan daun sebelah atas serta memiliki jumlah
daun yang banyak, lebar dan tipis.
3) Tumbuhan Higrofit
• Tumbuhan higrofit adalah tumbuhan yang hidup di lingkungan basah. Tumbuhan
ini memiliki daun yang lebar untuk mempercepat penguapan, ujung tulang daun
pada tepi daun atau ujung daun berlubang untuk meneteskan air (gurasi), misalnya
4) Tumbuhan Trofit
• Tumbuhan Trofit seperti famili Gramineae, Liliaceae, Zingebereae, pohon Jati,
randu, dan flamboyan pada musim kemarau menggugurkan bagian tubuh (daun)
di atas tanah, menjelang musim penghujan tumbuh kembali.
5) Tumbuhan Epifit
• Tumbuhan Epifit seperti anggrek beradaptasi dengan membentuk bagian jaringan
yang menggelembung yang berguna untuk menyimpan air.
56 IPA SMP Kelas IX
Gambar 4.5 Sumber: Clip Art
Bentuk adaptasi tumbuhan (a) kaktus memiliki
batang yang tebal dan berdaging untuk
menyimpan air,
(b) Batang encenggondok berisi udara
sehingga dapat mengapung
1. Apakah pengertian adaptasi itu?
2. Apakah adaptasi morfologi itu?
3. Untuk apakah selaput pada kaki itik dan angsa?
4. Bagaimana ciri-ciri tumbuhan higrofit?
2. Adaptasi Fisiologi
Adaptasi fisiologi adalah penyesuaian fungsi kerja organ tubuh terhadap
lingkungannya untuk kelangsungan hidupnya. Adaptasi ini erat hubungannya dengan
penyesuaian metabolisme tubuh.
Contoh :
a. Hewan memamah biak
makanannya adalah rumput dan
daun. Rumput maupun daun
mempunyai dinding sel yang
mengandung selulosa yang sulit
dicerna secara mekanik. Agar
dapat dicerna secara sempurna
diperlukan enzim selulosa untuk
mencerna selulosa. Oleh karena
itu, pada saluran pencernaan
hewan memamah biak banyak
terdapat kelenjar yang menghasilkan
enzim selulosa.
b. Jumlah sel darah merah pada
orang yang tinggal di dataran
tinggi (pegunungan) cenderung
lebih banyak. Hal ini disebabkan
kadar O2 di pegunungan lebih
sedikit dibandingkan di dataran rendah. Kadar O2 yang rendah membuat tubuh
membentuk sel darah merah lebih banyak untuk mengikat O2 lebih banyak. Itulah
sebabnya orang yang tinggal di daerah pegunungan cenderung mempunyai kulit
berwarna kemerahan.
c. Orang yang hidup di daerah yang tercemar limbah domestik dalam tubuhnya
berkembang kekebalan terhadap infeksi muntah berak. Mereka mandi dengan air
yang tercemar dan bahkan minum air yang tercemar, tetapi mereka tidak menjadi
sakit. Kekebalan itu tidaklah bersifat mutlak, sehingga ada juga yang menjadi
d. Ikan yang hidup di laut lebih sedikit mengeluarkan urin dibandingkan ikan yang
hidup di air tawar. Hal ini disebabkan karena tekanan osmosis sel-sel tubuh ikan
yang hidup di laut lebih rendah daripada tekanan osmosis air laut. Apabila tidak
ada cara penyesuaian pada tekanan osmosis air laut, maka ikan laut akan mati
karena air di dalam sel-sel tubuhnya akan tertarik oleh air laut.
IPA SMP Kelas IX 57
Gambar 4.6 Enzim selulosa yang terdapat di dalam
saluran pencernaan hewan memamah biak
berfungsi untuk mencerna selulosa
Untuk penyesuaian diri terhadap tekanan osmosis air laut, ikan laut banyak
minum air dengan sedikit mengeluarkan urin. Sebaliknya, tekanan osmosis sel-sel
tubuh ikan yang hidup di air tawar lebih tinggi daripada tekanan osmosis air
e. Padi Gogo beradaptasi pada lahan yang kering dan padi sawah pada lahan tergenang.
Hewan, tumbuhan dan mikroba dapat juga membentuk zat di dalam
tubuhnya yang membuat mereka kebal terhadap serangan hama dan penyakit.

Kamis, 28 Januari 2016

Siap Selem versi Bahasa Inggris

Once upon a time there was a black hen named Siap Selem which had seven chicks. Doglagan was the youngest chick. There was also a cat named Men Kuuk lived in the same place as the black hen which also had many kittens. Men Kuuk frequently made strategies to eat the black hen with her chicks. Every night Men Kuuk with her kittens talked about the black hen. “I’ll eat the feet, the wings is mine, no…the neck will be delicious, I prefer the head”. Said Men Kuuk and her kittens.
One day, the fur of the six black hen’s chicks had grew. Unfortunately, the fur of the youngest chick did not grow yet. In a midnight, the black hen told her chicks, “You all have to fly away from here one by one, because if you’re still here you will be caught and eaten by Men Kuuk!”. The flight was started from the oldest chick.
“Buuuurrrr,,”,  and Men Kuuk asked, “Black hen, what was that?”,  “that was a pecan leave”. Answered the black hen. Followed by the other chicks. “Buuuuurrrr,,”. And Men Kuuk asked again, “Black hen, what was that?” “that was a bamboo leave”. Answered the black hen.
All of the chicks had flew, but there was still Doglagan who could not fly because he had no wings. The black hen told him, “I’ll leave you here, you’ll be safe, you’ll not be eaten by Men Kuuk. If one day you’ll be eaten by Men Kuuk, you have to say “Men Kuuk, you’ll be disgusted to eat me because my flesh is still bitter. Later if my flesh has been delicious you’re allowed to eat me anytime”.
Afterwards, the black hen flew leaving Doglagan. At that time, Doglagan was alone in that place. Men Kuuk heard Doglagan, “kiaaak,,kiaaakk,,kiaaak”. Men kuuk was wondering, “why Doglagan is crying alone? Where is his mother?”, ooohhh, it might be the pecan leave and bamboo leave that fell yesterday as the black hen said. Suddenly, the kittens came and wanted to eat Dogladan.
“Don’t eat me now, you’ll be disgusted to eat me because my flesh is still bitter. Later if my flesh has been delicious you’re allowed to eat me anytime”, said Doglagan.
Men Kuuk trusted Doglagan and she imagined Doglagan with thick fur. In the next day, what Men Kuuk had imagined was true. Doglagan had thick fur and beautiful color. It made Men Kuuk and all the kittens came to him and wanted to eat him again. Doglagan said, “Now, you’re allowed to eat me, but I have one request for you. Before you eat me, you must be flying me eleven times in order my blood will be mixed with my flesh, that will be delicious to be eaten!”. Men kuuk accepted Doglagan’s request, she flew Doglagan. In the first flight Doglagan fell down to Men kuuk, so do in the next flight. But in the last flight, “Men kuuk, now is the last time that you have to fly me as high as possible”. Said Doglagan. Men kuuk flew Doglagan very high. She did not realize that Doglagan deceived her.
Eventually Doglagan flew away from Men kuuk. He went to a forest to look for his family. Men kuuk and her kittens had been deceived by Doglagan. Finally they had nothing to eat

Cerita Jayaprana dan Layonsari versi Bahasa Inggris

                                                 Tragedy of Jayaprana

Once upon a time, there was a family with a mother, father, and four children, the oldest of whom was the little boy Jayaprana. This family lived happy and peacefully. But it so happened that season a great illness came to their village.
Each day many people died and had to be buried. Eventually the living became so ill that they could not even take away the dead.
Soon Jayaprana's father and mother both died. That night the sad children carried their parents to the cemetery. Ghosts flew at them along the way. The wind blew out their torch, but they bravely walked on, fighting their terror. Finally, they reached the          cemetery and buried their parents.
No sooner were Jayaprana's parents buried, than his three younger brothers died on the spot. Jayaprana was left all alone in the world. He cried and cried. He had no where to go, so he stayed in the cemetery.
One day the king's minister, Galing, who had heard about the terrible sickness, came to the village to see things for him­self. When he arrived not a soul was alive. Then he went to the cemetery.
As Galing walked through the cemetery he heard the cries of young Jayaprana and he saw the boy lying on a gravestone. Galing went over and raised him up and said, 'Why are you crying here’.
Jayaprana answered quietly, 'I cry here because I do not want to live along. I There's no point in living without my mother and father and my brothers. It's better that I stay here and die. I cannot find food to cat.' Tears rotted down Jayaprana's cheeks.
'Poor boy,' said Galing, 'try to think too much of your mother and father and brothers. Let's go together to the palace and you can eat there.' But Jayaprana did not want to leave, because he could not forget his family. In the end Galing had to force the boy to come with him so that he would not die of starvation in the cemetery.

Galing took Jayaprana to the palace, fed him, and gave him a place to live. Jayaprana was given the work of caring for the cocks for the cockfight. He also had to study the old Ba­linese language and poetry. Slowly he become accustomed to living in the palace.
In this way, Jayaprana lived for many years, growing from a small boy to a handsome young man of seventeen years. Galing loved the boy dearly, as if he were his own son. And all the people of the kingdom also grew to love him, especially the young women. There wasn't another man in the entire king­dom as handsome as Jayaprana.
One day Galing said, 'Jayaprana, please marry, because now is the right time, while I am still alive. Do not wait until I am dead and gone.'
Jayaprana listened to the plea of his foster-father and agreed to leave the palace to look for a woman who truly pleased him.
He went outside, and as fate would have it, two girls came by on their way to market. Jayaprana went out to meet them and introduced himself. He asked who they were, and where they came from. The older one answered that her name was Sari while her sister's name was Sekar. They came from the vil­lage of Sekar.
He accompanied them to the market. When he returned to the palace he told Galing about the girl Sari whom he had just met. He said that he had fallen in love with her and wanted to marry her. Galing approved and wrote a letter commanding Sari's father to give his daughter in marriage to Jayaprana.
Jayaprana went to the house of Sari. She saw him coming through the gate and was immediately overcome with tears of joy. Jayaprana went up to the girl's father and gave him Galing's letter.
`My child, Sari,' her father said, 'you have been asked by the king's minister to marry Jayaprana. I hope that this is something you want to do, because it is a great honour which you should not refuse.'
Preparations for the marriage began. Everybody was in good spirits, and all the servants in the palace were busy in getting things ready.
When the marriage ceremony began, the king saw Sari and was struck by her great beauty. Instantly he fell in love with her. The king's wives and the ladies in the palace became jeal­ous of Sari. But Jayaprana and Sari noticed none of this, for they were exceedingly happy. The next day, they were even happier, because they began to talk with each other and to look forward to along life together.
That night the king became crazy with love for Sari. He could not forget her beauty. The next day the king began to plan the death of Jayaprana and summoned his minister Galing to carry out the plot. The king explained that he had fallen in love with Sari, and ordered the minister to invent an 'enemy' , and to have Jayaprana go far away to fight. Galing was upset to hear this, but he had to carry out his king's or­ders.
Galing went to Jayaprana and told him that there was trouble in the countryside, and that had to go there immedi­ately. This was just the third day Jayaprana and Sari had been married.
The news upset and shocked Jayaprana, but he didn't question Galing's words. He got ready to go immediately.
Sari was sad. She remembered the dream which she had just had the previous night, that their house had been de­stroyed by giant warriors. She was sure that her husband was in danger.
Galing and Jayaprana and a troop of soldiers, soon set off and travelled for a long time. They walked for hours and hours. The people in the group were tired, and complained that no en­emy was in sight.
Finally, when they came to the most remote place in the kingdom, Galing gave Jayaprana a letter from the king order­ing him to submit himself to death at the hands of Galing.
Jayaprana read the letter and turned to Galing and asked, 'What did I do wrong?'
Galing answered with tears in his eyes, 'You haven't done anything wrong, but the king wants you to be killed.'
And Jayaprana replied, 'I'm not afraid to die, especially now that my king demands it. You may do as you wish, but be careful lest what you do is wrong. Before I die, let me give you a letter to take to my wife.
In the letter, Jayaprana told his beloved wife that he was going to die because the king had ordered him dead, and that the king himself must be in love with Sari. He added, in his let­ter to Sari, that he would wait for her forever, in heaven.
The minister Galing attempted to kill Jayaprana but he wouldn't die.
Galing's kris seemed powerless against Jayaprana.
Then Jayaprana took out his own kris and handed it to Galing. 'Use this, fathers, to slay me,' he said.
Galing took the kris, raised it in his hands, and slew him. Jayaprana fell down dead and his soul went to heaven, rising in the sky in a cloud of flowers.
Immediately, the wind began to howl rain fell, and there was thunder and lightning. The world became dark. The other men in the party realized that Jayaprana had been killed wrongly. They began to quarrel with one another. Animals at­tacked them. Trees fell and killed them.
A few of the party managed to survive, and together with Galing they hurried back to the palace. Beautiful Sari saw them return and ran out to meet them. She asked over and over again for Jayaprana, but the survivors would say nothing.
The last survivor to come along was on old man, who an­swered truthfully, 'Your husband is dead. He was killed by Galing on the king's ordered.' Sari ran home with tears bathing her face.
No sooner had she returned than Galing appeared with the letter from Jayaprana. She read the letter and began to call out for Jayaprana, telling him to wait in heaven, for she would soon follow.
Meanwhile the king was happy, and got ready to meet Sari. The next morning the king summoned Galing to bring Sari be­fore him.
She was extremely angry. 'You may be king, but you are evil,' she said. 'There's no excuse for killing Jayaprana. I would rather die than become your wife.'
But the king did not hear anything that Sari said. He kept on asking her to marry him, over and over again, until finally Sari said yes.
Sari returned to her own house, while the wedding cer­emony was set for the next day. Again and again she called for Jayaprana and asked him to wait for her. Then she took out her knife and killed herself, to join Jayaprana, her husband, who was waiting for her in heaven.
In the morning the king came to Sari's house to fetch her. When he found her dead he became crazy. In his madness, the king began to think that everybody was Sari. He went up to people and asked them to marry him and tried to kiss them. In the end he took out his sword and killed everybody who was there, including Galing. Then he killed     himself and went to hell, ridding the kingdom of his evil. Thus ended the tragedy of Jayaprana.

Cupak and Grantang versi Bahasa Inggris

Were two siblings but they had different appearance and attitude. Cupak, the elder was fat, had sideburns, his hair was mess, with a big pot-belly, he loved to eat; a sneaky and bad young man. He was totally different with his brother named Grantang. Grantang was a handsome young man, every woman who saw him would adore him, he had good attitude.

One day, their parent commanded them to work in the farm. Grantang did what he should do like plowing the soil, planting, and cleaning the farm from rice weeds. But what did Cupak do? He played and went around looking for something to eat. Then, when dusk came he came back to the farm.

Grantang had finished doing what their parent told them to do. He saw his brother came but he asked him to get home because their works had finished. On the way, Grantang decided to wash his body on the river before going home and he asked his brother to get home first.

Without any refuse Cupak agreed to Grantang request. Cupak was sneaky. He threw himself to the mud. He walked as if he had done hard work. He shouted for his parents. Then his father came. “You know I finished all of works only by my self while Grantang is having fun with many girls,” shouted Cupak. And his father was very angry with Grantang.

Then Grantang arrived home with tired but clean body. He wanted to take a rest for a while but that desire would never be fulfilled. His father who was angry with him could not control himself. “Why did you let your brother do all the work? You are not my son anymore and leave this home soon; I do not want to look a lazy guy like you, go away!” said his father angrily. Grantang shocked. However he calmed himself down and said:”It is okay if you expelled me. I hope this home will be better without me,” Grantang left his home with tired body and hungry and hurt too.

Knowing that his brother had left home Cupak tried to catch him, he tried to bring him back to home. Cupak persuaded his brother to came back home But Grantang was a determined young man. Along the journey Cupak always moaned that he was very hungry. Grantang asked him to back home but Cupak stuck with his decision to follow his brother.

Finally, they arrived in an unknown region. They approached the food seller. Cupak asked her with impolite words. Then, Grantang repeat the question with such of polite words. “Where is it? Why is this land so quiet? “. Then the food seller replied “This land name Kediri and become quiet because our princess was stolen by I Menaru (name of giant). Without any doubt, Grantang wanted to save the princess. Although, Cupak persuade Grantang not to disturbed I Menaru. He is very scared.

Then Grantang fought I Menaru by himself. I Menaru died by stabbing of Grantang’s Keris (a mean of fighting which is looked like knifes but wavy). Grantang asked his brother’s help to come out him and the princess. Cupak, pulled the princess’ hand and princess succeed to get out. After helping the princess he closed the hole and let Grantang inside.

Then Cupak brought the princess and told the people about his victory. Because of his bogus story that said he had saved the princess and killed the giant, the King thanked him by giving him the throne.

Sinceb that day, every single day Cupak had to be served by suckling pig and many kinds of foods and he was also an arrogant King. He command his soldiers to throw Grantang away to the river in order to his lying would be not revealed.

On another corner, an old couple with no children found Grantang on the river bed. They took him and brought him into their house. Year after year had passed. They considered him as their real child and Grantang loved them as his real parent. Everyday, he helped his host parents to prepare good quality of flowers then his parents sold them in a traditional market near the palace.

Coincidentally, the princess loved to buy many flowers from this couple. One day the princess realized that the woman using gold ring that had ever used by Grantang. She asked the woman to invite her to woman’s home, wishing that Grantang lived with this old couple.

After arriving there, her wish was granted because she found her real hero finally. She sobbed and moaned emotionally and she asked the old couple to permit her to invite Grantang to stay with her in the Palace, and of course expelled Cupak, the big liar.

Her father was very happy since the princess went home together with Grantang. Then they got married and the throne automatically to be Grantangs. The people were very happy because the fool king had expelled from the land of Kediri.